Mine (desire to be tested) is more for practical (and I suppose is therefore selfish) reasons though mainly based around having contact with my daughter (regardless of result) and also just being able to get on with my and my families selfish life; you know, going for walks etc! I've not been in 2mtr contact with anyone (outside my house) for a week but there's still people obsessed with flagrantly opposing advice around here for fear of anyone 'telling them what to do'
Yeah totally get your frustration, esp with your daughter who might be vulnerable. If it's any consolation, the test is only about 70% sensitive so you'd never know for sure anyway :-)
Mine (desire to be tested) is more for practical (and I suppose is therefore selfish) reasons though mainly based around having contact with my daughter (regardless of result) and also just being able to get on with my and my families selfish life; you know, going for walks etc! I've not been in 2mtr contact with anyone (outside my house) for a week but there's still people obsessed with flagrantly opposing advice around here for fear of anyone 'telling them what to do'