I think Sweden are closing high schools now? There was just a press conference but my Swedish is not perfect so didn’t catch it all.
From SVT (public broadcaster):
Regeringen rekommenderar alla gymnasier, vuxenutbildningar och högskolor och universitet att införa distansutbildning från och med i morgon.
Folkhälsomyndigheten gör fortfarande bedömningen att grundskolor och förskolor inte ska stängas. De negativa konsekvenserna bedöms bli för stora.
Gymnasieskolor i Göteborg stängs onsdag - 20 000 elever berörs.The government RECOMMEND that all secondary schools, adult education institutions and higher education ones switch over to distance learning as of tomorrow.
Public health officials remain convinced that primary schools and preschools are not to be closed. The negative consequences are judged to be too high.
Secondary schools in Gothernburg to close on Wednesday, 20,000 pupils affected.
I think Sweden are closing high schools now? There was just a press conference but my Swedish is not perfect so didn’t catch it all.