We’re using the Ryde Andra 40, as they come as stock on the Urban arrow. Been finding that almost without fail they crack around the rim, directly under the rim tape after about 4/6 months. This is on wheels they’ve built and wheels we’ve built. Not sure why it’s happening. Spoke to UK distributor for Ryde and they reckon the rims are receiving some abuse at Urban Arrow side 🤷♂️.
Anyway we’ve been trying out Halo SAS rims on a colleagues recommendation. Much rounder and easier to build up than the Andra.
No idea if they are an improvement strength wise yet.. time will tell..
got any other recommendations for a decent heavyweight 26” rim? Heavier / stronger the better
We’re using the Ryde Andra 40, as they come as stock on the Urban arrow. Been finding that almost without fail they crack around the rim, directly under the rim tape after about 4/6 months. This is on wheels they’ve built and wheels we’ve built. Not sure why it’s happening. Spoke to UK distributor for Ryde and they reckon the rims are receiving some abuse at Urban Arrow side 🤷♂️.
Anyway we’ve been trying out Halo SAS rims on a colleagues recommendation. Much rounder and easier to build up than the Andra.
No idea if they are an improvement strength wise yet.. time will tell..
got any other recommendations for a decent heavyweight 26” rim? Heavier / stronger the better