After some initial mis-reading of the dataset (please excuse me)
The 2019 figures put the average weekly death rate at c 10200
Of this c 1400 are attributed to respiratory causes. This varies as a percentage of death throughout the year, with the average % being around 14%.
Make of it what you will. I don't know if its even a helpful statistic.
OK- heavily re-edited post below:
On a somewhat morbid thought experiment I wondered what the average weekly death rate in the UK was.
Happily so does the ONS (
After some initial mis-reading of the dataset (please excuse me)
The 2019 figures put the average weekly death rate at c 10200
Of this c 1400 are attributed to respiratory causes. This varies as a percentage of death throughout the year, with the average % being around 14%.
Make of it what you will. I don't know if its even a helpful statistic.