Work out your investment horizon - ie when you need to cash out.
Work out how much £ you would need in a bind - loss of income, etc.
Plan based on the answers of above.
Case in point, I put some money in an index linked S&S ISA in Feb for Mini-H. It's tanked. I'm assuming it won't need to be touched for a min of 15yrs, so right now no action is needed.
I do wonder though if this is the time when actively managed funds come into their own. Trackers as pretty blunt whereas a fund with a decent FM would be looking to see what is vfm or even cheap.
Case in point, I put some money in an index linked S&S ISA in Feb for Mini-H. It's tanked. I'm assuming it won't need to be touched for a min of 15yrs, so right now no action is needed.
I do wonder though if this is the time when actively managed funds come into their own. Trackers as pretty blunt whereas a fund with a decent FM would be looking to see what is vfm or even cheap.