[boast post] we were on the guest list, so i didn't lose out and have no worries fucking off home if i am not digging it.
the thrash thing was more about a nostalgia catch up with a couple of bros and once we were in there, we realised that there was a reason the three bands on the bill weren't as big as the others. i loved testament, but exodus were shit when i was a kid and they still are now...
death angel were pretty good. i went in only knowing two of their albums.
[boast post] we were on the guest list, so i didn't lose out and have no worries fucking off home if i am not digging it.
the thrash thing was more about a nostalgia catch up with a couple of bros and once we were in there, we realised that there was a reason the three bands on the bill weren't as big as the others. i loved testament, but exodus were shit when i was a kid and they still are now...
death angel were pretty good. i went in only knowing two of their albums.