• #13577
Fuck me. Was I drunk?
• #13578
Glitch in the Matrix - wouldn’t worry about it!
• #13579
Are you drunk now?
• #13580
Our record company made us go out there to try out a producer on a track, we really didn't wanna be there... Great song but it never came out after that...
I'm gonna go with cursed...
• #13581
Zoe's Extraordinary Playlist. I haven't seen it, beyond the annoying TV advert. I don't have to see it. It's a totally shit joke premise for a TV show. If all I knew of it were the title and premise, the chances of the actual show being better would be miniscule, because the show's creators had that stupid fucking idea and aren't ashamed of it. But I've seen the ad, so I know it's really shit.
Hi, show creators. I hate your shit show. I hate even having to know your shit show is out there, peddling your shit idea. Do you film your turds in the bowl before you flush? That would be less shit.
• #13582
Singing, dancing and heartwarming plot lines all played out in funky looking knitwear. What’s not to like you joyless bastard. What would you rather? A show where they experiment on the quickest and most entertaining way (as voted by the audience using 5 free votes on the app) to kill puppies?
• #13583
See, now I hate you, because until this moment I was unaware of the show's existence. More importantly, until I looked up the show's Wikipedia page, I was unaware the phrase 'musical dramady' was a thing, which feels like a greater crime than any TV series could ever be...
• #13584
there's a slim chance that they wrote show for embittered blokes in their 40s who spend their time posting on a bike forum about what's wrong with the IT industry – but as i say, it's a slim one.
• #13585
This isn't the "reasonable feeling of irritation" thread.
• #13586
Sent a client a few emails about a work thing now, with no response. They just liked a couple of my Instagram posts. Wtf, why has that annoyed me so much?
• #13587
The duality of (man/woman)
• #13588
Because suddenly you know they aren't too busy for trivia, they just can't be arsed to get back to you and are acting like they don't care you know this because you're not important enough for them to worry about offending you.
Felt a similar feeling of sudden anger few weeks ago. An ex colleague had contacted me about some consultancy work and I realised there was potential for a partnership/reseller arrangement. So I sent the details to the senior manager responsible for alliances and a colleague whose expertise was relevant. Colleague was excited about the opportunity, zero response from the VP. A few weeks later, we're on a bullshit departmental team building exercise and both those people were on my team. The email actually came up because relevant to the exercise. Suddenly the VP comes to life. "Oh yes. I wondered who had sent me that email at first, but then I realised 'Oh, it's Bruce'". Which was all he had to say on the subject, because neither it nor I are important enough for him to think about.
So I looked at him, and just for a moment I thought "I really should shove this sharpie through your eye socket and see if I can get it to come out the back of your skull."
• #13589
• #13590
People in the beer thread writing ‘impy’ instead of imperial.
As if the craft beer scene needed more impenetrable bullshit lingo.
• #13591
What about 'Deepa'?
• #13592
• #13593
Any footballer tweeting words to the effect of ‘Great effort from the lads today, got the points in the end, roll on next weekend 🙌🏼😍’
• #13594
Any footballer tweeting
words to the effect of ‘Great effort from the lads today, got the points in the end, roll on next weekend 🙌🏼😍’Wait. Rather:
Any footballer
tweeting words to the effect of ‘Great effort from the lads today, got the points in the end, roll on next weekend 🙌🏼😍’ -
• #13595
Neanderball innit
• #13596
• #13597
Losing my wireless mouse when wfh
Whoever it was that whinged about people press Ctrl+Alt+Del to login to windows rather than pressing up. I know always try pressing up which only ever opens the login screen 1/5.
• #13598
Ubuntu. Sometimes.
• #13599
“Brits” those who identify as a Brit and being called one.
First time heard the term I was being called one in a pub in Belfast.
I have noticed the Gammony reaches of the population seem to enjoy the moniker.
• #13600
radio 4 topical "comedy".
some cunt moaning about the fact he's a stand up comedian with two mortgages because greedy fucking white people.
fuck you. go away. you're not helping.