Do not pay retail for a Speedmaster and you'll be happy. The current retail is a joke. I paid $2750 for mine and I still thought it was a bit much. Sarry ¯_(ツ)_/¯
It's cool and stuff, I love a proper hesalite Speedmaster, but if you wanna be wowed by the watch on your wrist, a Speedmaster isn't it. IMO.
Do not pay retail for a Speedmaster and you'll be happy. The current retail is a joke. I paid $2750 for mine and I still thought it was a bit much. Sarry ¯_(ツ)_/¯
It's cool and stuff, I love a proper hesalite Speedmaster, but if you wanna be wowed by the watch on your wrist, a Speedmaster isn't it. IMO.