and that seems to be that large scale closures don't work...that message seems to come out fairly consistently. the problem is that the only good news being reported is that cases in china falling now, including in wuhan, as a result of massive shut down efforts...
people are going to look at that and think wtf aren't we doing the only thing that appears to have helped curtail the virus...
it's difficult to avid thinking we are just behind the curve of china / italy and that acting as they did later rather than sooner we are simply repeating their mistakes..
Government thinking is short-termism and what looks best. Optics of a big shutdown vs current relatively few cases are obviously bad. I'm pretty sure they will continue to take the least aggressive path, and try to avoid as much blame as possible.
I also imagine there are some thoughts that while it's bad, it does have the side effect of being a convenient scapegoat for post-Brexit economic performance.