[Edit] had wrong image
[Edit2] here's the link, in case it was useful
How about a momentary switch soldered to the headers on the pi.
I'm trying to find a link i have saved that shows how to do it
That's quite neat,
is the transistor for software shutdowns?It is. I could use the 5v to Pi to also switch a MOSFET powering the amplifier.But just any momentary switch would also do the trick I believe: https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/77905/raspberry-pi-3-model-b-dtoverlay-gpio-shutdown
Turned a spare Pi + USB DAC + cheap amp into a pretty decent Airplay setup.
Next up is making a neat case for it, need to decide if I'm attaching a 5v buck converter to the amp's 12v or if I want to keep it separate. Also need to sort out a decent way of switching it off, don't want it on 24/7 and SSH'ing isn't the most elegant solution.