Fitted Clickster tonight. So much easier with access to a vice to clamp the park tool on and turn the wheel to get it started. 20 mins or so whole job. Could feel how grindy the Dicta is once it was off. Be interesting to see how different it feels tomorrow. The clickster is not that loud yet as I have pre oiled it which has slightly dampened the sound. Wanted to run a bit of rust proof oil through it first to give everything a good coating before anything gets wet for the first time.
Fitted Clickster tonight. So much easier with access to a vice to clamp the park tool on and turn the wheel to get it started. 20 mins or so whole job. Could feel how grindy the Dicta is once it was off. Be interesting to see how different it feels tomorrow. The clickster is not that loud yet as I have pre oiled it which has slightly dampened the sound. Wanted to run a bit of rust proof oil through it first to give everything a good coating before anything gets wet for the first time.