What are you - some sort of frenchman?
Finnish actually, although married to a Frenchwoman. The thing is, growing up, squat toilets were associated with filthy Russian holes in the ground. The SOAS ones were the first ones I had come across any in western Europe and properly cleaned and flushed to boot.
The ones in France tend to be rank as well.
What are you - some sort of frenchman?
Just because of the common ground with the other thread derail topic going on here, I´ll add that the only ways to properly clean one´s undercarriage is by way of the Finnish arse shower (hangs on the wall betwixt toilet and sink) or the bidet. Who the fuck wants to spread one´s faeces about with a bit of flattened dead tree carcass? Disgusting.
Well done you. Now that we´re on the subject of the legendary SOAS bar circa 1997 and accompanying toilet furnishings, one thing they most definitely DID have back in the day was squat toilets. Such a superior way to poo I find.