My toilet doesn't seem to want to flush
What type of flush is it? An old syphon? Does it look like pic. 1?
If so, and you have to depress the handle multiple times for it to flush the plastic diaphragm in the bottom is ripped and you'll need a new one.
Or is the handle just really stiff but flushes on first go? You could slacken off the plastic nut on the inside of the cistern.
As for the slow water fill it's could be low water pressure, a stopcock/ quarter turn valve not fully open.
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Morning all
Sorry a very quick question for something that I hope will be easily rectified.
My toilet doesn't seem to want to flush - as in the handle is tough as nails and I risk breaking the damn thing.
Secondly - it seems to fill very, very slowly with water - as in trickle. To the point where it never actually fills up and just seems to be constantly making a racket, while using god knows how much water.
I've tried googling and yet I don't seem to be able to ask the correct questions.
Could anyone here help?