Drivers in the capital stop paying for London's roads next year:
Page 32 of Transport for London's Business Plan(link is external)
published in 2017 says: "We have to, for the first time, address the
critical issues of London’s road network, including congestion, road
danger, maintenance and air quality, without any Government operating
grant. Furthermore, from 2021, the £500m raised every year from
Londoners paying Vehicle Excise Duty will be collected by central
Government and only invested in roads outside the Capital.
"This means the net operating costs of London’s roads, currently
almost £200m each year, and the cost of renewing these roads, between
£100m to £150m each year, are effectively being cross subsidised from
fare-paying public transport users. This is neither sustainable nor
equitable. As a result, in the short to medium term we will have to
significantly reduce our programme of proactive capital renewals on
the road network, although we will ensure safety of the network is
Drivers in the capital stop paying for London's roads next year: