Got a load of bits I've collected over the years - lot of washers/nuts/bolts/cables/headset spacers/shifter spares/brakepads etc. There are some good bits not just junk, some used some new. I work in a bike shop now so don't service my bikes at home so this is all surplus to requirements and want rid. Useful for the home mechanic or someone who does up second hand bikes.
Collection SW17 only. No splitting you need to take it all. Bout a Plastic carrier bags worth of stuff
FREECYCLE - Workshop Spares
Got a load of bits I've collected over the years - lot of washers/nuts/bolts/cables/headset spacers/shifter spares/brakepads etc. There are some good bits not just junk, some used some new. I work in a bike shop now so don't service my bikes at home so this is all surplus to requirements and want rid. Useful for the home mechanic or someone who does up second hand bikes.
Collection SW17 only. No splitting you need to take it all. Bout a Plastic carrier bags worth of stuff
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