I bought a DTM50z a couple weeks ago. Not sure about power compared to corded as I've never used one but so far I've cut a square in the back of a cupboard, cut off some stainless bolts and cut some plastic. Not mega hardcore uses but it's had enough power.
I got the bare unit and set of 3 bosch blades. The quick tool change sounds good but you dont get the makita led.
I think I'll go for the DTM50Z then. My BIL says he quite like the Allen key tool changes as it allows time for blood to flow back to his hands and fingers...
I bought a DTM50z a couple weeks ago. Not sure about power compared to corded as I've never used one but so far I've cut a square in the back of a cupboard, cut off some stainless bolts and cut some plastic. Not mega hardcore uses but it's had enough power.
I got the bare unit and set of 3 bosch blades. The quick tool change sounds good but you dont get the makita led.