I’m also a bit worried about screws/etc coming through the back as it’s not very thick.
All the cool kids et cetera, @fizzy.bleach is your go-to on this one.
Probably too late to the party for this one. Try a split batten/french cleat. Or some kind of keyhole hanger. If you're worried about the mirror being knocked up and out of the keyhole or off the split batten, you could opt for a locking keyhole like these ryman security fixings: https://absoluteproduct.com/ryman-hanger.html
You could also add a thin backing board to strengthen the whole piece, lots of small screws to hold the backing board on, and the board will give you extra thickness to use bigger screws for your mounting options.
I need to hang up a large mirror before Mini-Hammer runs into it (currently just leaning against a wall).
It’s originally from over a fireplace and we were warned by the seller that it must be supported along the bottom edge, or it’s likely to fall apart!
I have a nice bit of wood to make a shelf for it to sit on but I’m currently stuck as to how to fix it to the wall. Internet suggests a cleat of some sort but I can’t work out how to line the cleat and shelf up so both are supporting the weight.
I’m also a bit worried about screws/etc coming through the back as it’s not very thick.
Any ideas?