Certainly makes the MC-101 look like pretty poor value (as does the Model:Samples, now that that silly launch price is a thing of the past).
I still have a Machinedrum and Monomachine, so it’s not like I’m missing the synthesis types that it provides, but the workflow looks fantastic. No playing around. Been hearing people who are Octatrack, Monomachine and Rytm veterans saying they’ve never created and finished tracks as quickly as they are with the M:S.
Certainly makes the MC-101 look like pretty poor value (as does the Model:Samples, now that that silly launch price is a thing of the past).
I still have a Machinedrum and Monomachine, so it’s not like I’m missing the synthesis types that it provides, but the workflow looks fantastic. No playing around. Been hearing people who are Octatrack, Monomachine and Rytm veterans saying they’ve never created and finished tracks as quickly as they are with the M:S.