Room dimensions and speaker positioning including a sub if you're that way inclined. It's pretty accurate but it's only got to calculate the length of a frequency and work out where it will overlap itself and increase the db's.
Gain structure is very difficult to get your head around. It's part of the game that it's so easy to plug components together without understanding their individual specs and they'll work fine, if you want optimal performance you have to understand what they all need to function at their best.
If you are running your phono amp into a pre amp then that could easily be adding some volume which is pushing your power amp input a bit too hard.
I am using digital speakers and I trialled them against an all analog setup, the all analog was nice but I needed to eq for the room modes so it's move or use an eq for me.
Not too late at all - lots of useful advice. I had started to suspect the phono stage, I have a Chet Baker record that produces obvious sibilance so I’m gonna A/B test it against a digital copy. Started reading about gain structure but my brain got full and I had to go to bed.
I didn’t know you could just give your room dims to REW - that’s really handy.