• Ha likewise, it seems odd to me that people talk about their gains or losses but far fewer the raw number. I'm at about 250 for around 75kg I'll be testing soon, maybe I can lead the revolution :)

  • This is a training thread. The idea of training is to improve. Posting a +- value indicates whether or not current methods are working. What use could anyone have for my absolute value, other than dick swinging contests? I certainly don't care about anyone else's. Also, flipping it around, what do I gain by telling people what it is?

  • Before TCR last year I was about 403w @76kg now I'm heavier at 86kg and ftp @386w. At 76kg I have very little fat to burn so I would feel constantly desperate for food while cycling. Now I'm a bit heavier I don't constantly feel drained and have reserves to burn through.
