Guardian wrote about you people
“A watch was merely a watch,” until mobile phones arrived, says Bill Prince, editor of GQ Watch And Jewellery, “whereupon it was assigned many more attributes, not least the ability to define the wearer’s taste and social standing.”
What a load of shit.
What about gold retirement watches being given as gifts? What about stainless dive watches? What about the Swatch revolution based on the Bic model of cheap disposability?
Watches have always had an element of status.
The idea that Castro rocking a gold president back in the day didn't convey his taste or social standing, or say the Mad Men costume dept having Don Draper wearing an stainless Explorer later on as fashions moved in a more casual "adventure" direction is fucking laughable. Especially from someone at GQ.
Guardian wrote about you people
Also @Regal the market has decided