Do you have a mic you use to measure and feedback, or just do it by ear?
I think that depends on what you want to achieve - a mic will help analyse what's going on in terms of quantified numbers but if you just want to tame the highs a bit, then fiddling and using your ears will work. After all, your ears are what you're trying to please here - no point it being 'flat' and sounding shite because the room timing is weird or you're used to a specific eq curve etc.
Thanks, that's a really good answer. There are so many terms that I don't understand when reading about miniDSP and all the filters - it feels like another nerdhole waiting to swallow me up.
Do you have a mic you use to measure and feedback, or just do it by ear?
Would I be right in thinking that the problems with digital audio are more often to do with compression than sampling rate ? (obvs a bit of both though). If so, my analogue signal - A/D > DSP > D/A - although being converted twice, isn't being compressed at any point so shouldn't degrade too much.
28/56bit DSP Engine
24 bit ADC/DAC resolution
48kHz sampling rate