I just discovered that you can sort of hack the seconds hand on a 7s26.
When you set the time backwards a little bit you can hold the pressure on the crown to arrest the seconds until it's syncronised with your reference watch. Then proceed to set the time.
(everyone makes sure to align the minute hand exactly to a marker and push the crown in when the second hand is at 12, right?)
A movement with hacking seconds will stop the seconds hand when you pull out the crown.
The 7s26 does not do that, but you can achieve similar with the method I described, despite it being a non hacking movement.
I just discovered that you can sort of hack the seconds hand on a 7s26.
When you set the time backwards a little bit you can hold the pressure on the crown to arrest the seconds until it's syncronised with your reference watch. Then proceed to set the time.
(everyone makes sure to align the minute hand exactly to a marker and push the crown in when the second hand is at 12, right?)