Bit of insider knowledge I’ll share here so you can get others opinions too.
Last place on said street was on at 650, went last and final Monday after weekend viewings, went for 720, but even the EA were shocked. Next closest was 710.
Sellers are selling on behalf of their deceased parents who rented the place out for the last decade or two so possibly in no rush and will be seduced by high offers.
Thanks, yeah I should have said this bit:
Sellers are selling on behalf of their deceased parents who rented the place out for the last decade or two so possibly in no rush and will be seduced by high offers.
This is exactly what we're hoping. If they don't have a mortgage to pay, what's the big rush? Also it's still tenanted right now, not sure for how long though. And the tenant is older so things might not necessarily move fast on that front.
We have considered offering to pay council tax/any other costs incurred while they wait.
For anyone wondering the figures involved are smaller for us as this one hasn't been done up/extended. But we're expecting similar percentages to be involved...
Anyone have any thoughts on tactics when you want a place which is 'offers in excess of'?
We viewed a place we like yesterday, it's on at offers in excess of x when x is about 8% less than what we think it's worth.
We do want to buy on this particular street but our place isn't on the market yet, so we're prepared to go high to try and convince the vendors to go with us over people who are in a better buying position because we want it and we don't know when something similar will come up again.
It will be first offers tomorrow then best and final later in the week. We'd rather not show our hand too much in the first round of offers so our final offer isn't anticipated.
I think our first offer should be big enough to seem serious but not so big it sets hares running and encourages a bidding war between the other prospective buyers.
Does that make sense? I have no idea what I'm doing really because we were first time buyers last time round.