But once NOS is scratched its never the same either. I guess it comes down to how much youre intending to wear it.
If for special occasions only then I could understand it that bit more but then that also probably means your treating more as an investment anyway. As a regular wear, for me, it's not really justifed just to know I'm the original owner, when you could purchase a really good example for way less probably from an original owner and they'll end up looking in a similar condition pretty quick.
If the difference was not so much then I totally get it but when you're talking thousands, not so much.
Could be wrong but I think @dammit would have purchased a while back if NOS finishing outweighed budget.Edit: Working so started to type this and got interrupted before I saw your post.
Once the case is polished it’s never the same. I 100% get the attraction of buying NOS as something to wear and enjoy over what the best investment decision might be.