We lost a garden gate in the storms a couple of weeks ago, the gap is 90cm from the house to the fence (gate sized)
I was planning on fitting the hinge to the house, rather than a gate post (as there isn't room for a 50mm gate post and a 900mm door.
I've subsequently heard you need to attach a gate to a gate post.
Why is this?
Gate gets occasional use.
Depending on where you live the support required for attaching the gate to the house might introduce moisture in there, generally considered a bad idea.
We lost a garden gate in the storms a couple of weeks ago, the gap is 90cm from the house to the fence (gate sized)
I was planning on fitting the hinge to the house, rather than a gate post (as there isn't room for a 50mm gate post and a 900mm door.
I've subsequently heard you need to attach a gate to a gate post.
Why is this?
Gate gets occasional use.