I have access to a lathe, but only recently got trained on it. I wouldn't say I was experienced, but I could take a look at the job. The problem is that I and the lathe am in Manchester, and I can't guarantee a quick turnaround. Would do it for free though, with a view to generating a small sideline in this type of work.
I could have a small job for you if you’re up for it, though I’m happy to pay. Just need a tube with a specific ID and OD. To cut in half and use as a shim
I have access to a lathe, but only recently got trained on it. I wouldn't say I was experienced, but I could take a look at the job. The problem is that I and the lathe am in Manchester, and I can't guarantee a quick turnaround. Would do it for free though, with a view to generating a small sideline in this type of work.