You could (instead of raising the minimum wage) make life less expensive? Make it less horrendous to live in the UK on (for example) 19k?
This is partly why I’m generally for universal benefits (free school meals, free buses, set-cost basic insurance, set-cost childcare, free WiFi, set-cost housing by councils etc). Along with infrastructure it usually also increases productivity quite a bit.
For the (hypothetical) government trying to lift living standards universally it becomes critical that tax-payers and voters have confidence immigration policy isn’t working against their interests and borders are somewhat controlled. Universal benefits are vulnerable politically if they’re perceived to be wasteful, abused or go to the ‘undeserving’. Nasty as that is, it seems to be human nature.
Sounds like Brexit the way it is going...
If a living wage ruins the economy overnight, doesn't that mean your whole model is actually not workable?
The care sector will have serious employment issues (that's not just a UK issue btw, wages are also low in Germany and the Netherlands) with the current system.
The UK anti immigration voters don't want the immigrants.
Ok no they can come for 20.5K which is over minimum wage...which local workers get.
See the problem right there?