• I despise Priti Patel as much as the next man. She's the sort of divisive muppet that gets added to reality shows for the entertainment value.
    But am not OK with all the news articles where the "her parents wouldn't have gotten in under her proposed system" is presented as a kind of "gotcha!" rhetoric. A brown person is no more responsible for her parents actions than anyone else. She is a fully British citizen and can have any opinion on immigration she likes, she doesn't owe the past system any debt of gratitude.

  • So, person implementing anti-immigration laws being child of immigrants who would not be allowed into the country under the scheme she's implementing is not a point for discussion?

    That doesn't strike you as hypocritical at all?

    Not sure where the brown bit comes into play, unless you get extra points in this scheme for not being brown.

  • That's not the point though, it's not about gratitude, it's about her first hand experience. They're saying that her parents have made a worthwhile contribution to Britain despite not qualifying (on paper) to come here. You would hope that Priti could recognise her own parents' contribution to the country but here she is arguing that immigration by people like them is detrimental.

    It would be like someone calling for abolition of the NHS when their partner had brain surgery last year that they could never have afforded privately - you should have anecdotal experience of why this system is a good one.

    I suppose lizards don't really do family though, so maybe she never met her parents when she hatched out of her egg

  • But am not OK with all the news articles where the "her parents wouldn't have gotten in under her proposed system" is presented as a kind of "gotcha!

    I don't think its intended as a gotcha, its trying to get her to have some sympathy and understanding of the consequences of the changes that she's figureheading

  • A brown person is no more responsible for her parents actions than anyone else.

    It's an argument thrown at any anti-immigration politician who is the child of immigrants, for obvious reasons. That clown Daniel Kawczynski gets it, Michael Howard was on the receiving end when he had her job.

    she doesn't owe the past system any debt of gratitude.

    If she or her family benefited from it and she wants to deny that benefit to others, why not? Fer family did. The Commons is currently awash with privileged chumps whose family got a significant leg up because of the support their families got from the post-war welfare state. As they continue with the systematic dismantling of those systems, should we not be able to accuse them of selfishness and hypocrisy? Blair and Blunkett were skewered for that when they abolished maintenance grants and introduced tuition fees and student loans. Sounded like a fair point to me.
