It's for a garden shed - so unlikely to get able to truly seal.
There's a lot of random soft underlay and plastic sheeting that I should probably get rid of to give less places to chill. I was just surprised by the amount of shit in some places (in the pot of an out door citronella candle for eg - like it was a designated WC).
I mainly don't want them migrating to the house. Also worth noting that our garden is a through-route for local cats, so I'd want to keep it all inside.
It's for a garden shed - so unlikely to get able to truly seal.
There's a lot of random soft underlay and plastic sheeting that I should probably get rid of to give less places to chill. I was just surprised by the amount of shit in some places (in the pot of an out door citronella candle for eg - like it was a designated WC).
I mainly don't want them migrating to the house. Also worth noting that our garden is a through-route for local cats, so I'd want to keep it all inside.