Does this woman not know how refugees and asylum seekers are treated?
I have read stories about unjustifiable case-processing times but are refugees generally treated badly?
From my experience working with a few refugees from Afghanistan I don’t see that. It’s an inherently difficult thing they’re doing (especially for the older men who find themselves a bit lost) but I don’t think they feel badly treated. Am I seeing the exception or the norm?
This is such a joke
It's the old "get these slackers back into work" argument.
From their own OBR
Well that's not very much saved now is it? Where does most of the money go?
Also this is stupid (from the article)
Does this woman not know how refugees and asylum seekers are treated? Does she know anyone at the Home Office.....oh...wait.... nevermind
Ideology in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Fuck these idiots sky high.