Wasn’t there an article in the guardian this morning mentioning that Amazon produce more carbon emissions than small countries?
Amazon is one of the world’s biggest polluters, emitting 44.4 million
metric tons of carbon—more than most countries in the world. The
company is even spinning its refusal to end contracts with oil and gas
companies as an effort to save the planet, arguing that providing
Amazon Web Services software to these companies is accelerating their
transition to clean energy—and their extraction of fossil fuels from
the earth. In other cases, Amazon’s rapid expansion of its data
centers has led to states like Virginia relying more heavily on fossil
fuels to keep up with energy demands.https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/v74zpy/jeff-bezos-dollar10b-earth-fund-cant-undo-amazons-damage
In happier news: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-51539321
Bezo greenwashing comes with some serious dough, in stark contrast to that Dreamers college grant stunt.