• #27
I haven’t got the frame back yet but these photos just in from Geoff, looks like a very neat job
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• #28
Wow a tidy job, for a decent price. Its also a reminder that someone's experience is worth paying for.
I'd go for contrasting paint rather than try to match the orange.
• #29
Great job.
• #30
Splendid! Good to see blacksmithry is live and well
• #31
Does it have a drain hole now?????
Echoing the other comments, really good quality repair, you must be excited to get it back!
• #32
Completely agree re contrasting paint, might be tricky to match the green in the decals and would potentially look like a bit of a dog's breakfast but at least there would ve some sort of (flawed) rationale behind the choice
• #33
Maybe black/yellow to tie it into the logo - and should be easier to match (because black is black, ish, and the yellow is small enough that it shouldn't need to be a perfect match)
• #34
That's real neat
• #35
Original bb shell?
Looks real nice. Not that you'd expect anything less from Geoff.
• #36
Good suggestion, will see what can be done locally (Hereford)
• #37
Not sure if the original b/b shell but looks like it (and if it’s a new shell then the price is even more of a bargain).
I also asked if breather holes could be drilled in to prevent this happening again
• #38
Aaaargh I don’t want to hear this. (about sealed tubes on a thorn ... my new baby has sealed DT, TT and stays. Not sure about seat tube actually.)
• #39
Is trying a home solution (ie me with spray cans) of sort of matched yellow at b/b with black bands as the marker of transition into the original orange as bad as it sounds?
• #40
It will just rust again with spray cans. You need a decent 2k primer to protect the steel. Ideally an Epoxy primer.
• #41
Keep an eye on it. Sure it’ll be fine.
You’d hear water in the tubes and be able to take mitigating action I’m sure.
• #42
• #43
I was thinking of using a primer but, given my general incompetence, I think I'll be better getting it done properly.
• #44
I didn't hear any water in the seat tube - to be fair, I wasn't paying complete attention - hence this sorry episode so, for peace of mind, I'd drill a small breather hole (and keep a better eye on things).
• #45
Ok, so after being delayed by the floods the frame is finally back with me, a really tidy repair with holes drilled in so water can drain.
Having been somewhat distracted this last week, I need to get on with sorting out painting for the b/b
1 Attachment
• #46
Have you got the spray cans out yet? Was it after 'Ride55' you discovered the crack? Dread to think what Neil's got planned this year...
• #47
Yes, found the crack after Ride55. Think Neil May have furloughed his 60th...
• #48
Right, so I really need to get on this.....
For all sorts of incomprehensible sentimental reasons, I really want to preserve the original paint. I'm struggling to find anyone localish who will just do the b/b area so it's back to considering spray cans and cocking it up myself. Is there anyone who has gone that route and any tips on what to use?
• #49
Where is local for you?
• #50
Just got a message from Geoff to say the frame is finished and ready for sending back - much excite!!