Haha, yeah the commuting bike usually lives by the front door overnight & then mysteriously vanishes every weekday between 6am - 7pm but the weather has seen it abandoned in the corner of the kitchen for a day or 3, one bike lying around is tolerated - the rest are jammed Tetris-style into a big cupboard under the stairs.
I'm happy enough with the stereo as it stands, i've had the cd & amp for about 20 years so it owes me nothing but would probably miss it if I replaced it just for convenience, with the smaller speakers it's quite tidy where it is.
@Chalfie she doesn't mind that - makes a change from our 3 year Old's current Kraftwerk phase, never mind the Disney sing along cd it's "robots" on repeat 😂
Perhaps just putting your bike away might annoy her less. System looks quite pleasing doesn't it?