Ah! Interesting. I always imagined everything, well, plastics and glass, metals, going in to a big steam cleaner before being sorted by some machinery and then by hand anyway. I have no issue with separating recyclable stuff from garbage, I do have issue with separating the types of recycling and then being forced to post each individual item through a tiny slot. Anyway.
Manual sorting inhuman? Well...yeah, maybe, but... a job's a job.
Ah! Interesting. I always imagined everything, well, plastics and glass, metals, going in to a big steam cleaner before being sorted by some machinery and then by hand anyway. I have no issue with separating recyclable stuff from garbage, I do have issue with separating the types of recycling and then being forced to post each individual item through a tiny slot. Anyway.
Manual sorting inhuman? Well...yeah, maybe, but... a job's a job.