lightweight bikes with low gearing
I agree that this is an excellent way to keep people riding. Unfortunately the car culture of London and the UK has very little patience or consideration for people riding on the roads at +-10mph, like my dad. I see him subject to the most terrible close passes and aggressive driving. So much so that he’s been pushed on to using the pavement for most of his rides into town. Also dangerous for him IMO as the chances to fall are much higher. He uses a regular bike but i can understand when people look to e bikes, as it is a way to allow them to ride on roads in a strong, safe position with confidence.
I agree.
I am also concerned with the amount of people who buy cheap e-bikes and ride them into the ground without doing proper maintenance. I have seen several e-bikes around with non-functioning front brakes and chains which you can hear rattle before you see them.
I think the easiest way to keep riding is with lightweight bikes with low gearing like what Isla Bikes have done.