So I've managed to sell my ludicrously impractical valve head and 4x12. Given that I'm only going to be playing at home in the near future, I need to go right to the other end of the practicality spectrum and am looking at things like the Yamaha THR10ii, or the Boss Katana Air. Anyone have any experience, recommendations or opinions? I work not far from Guitar Guitar in Camden so I'll go try some things too...
So I've managed to sell my ludicrously impractical valve head and 4x12. Given that I'm only going to be playing at home in the near future, I need to go right to the other end of the practicality spectrum and am looking at things like the Yamaha THR10ii, or the Boss Katana Air. Anyone have any experience, recommendations or opinions? I work not far from Guitar Guitar in Camden so I'll go try some things too...