The school had a fledgeling website, however knowledge of web security was not strong.
I installed 'Back Orifice' on all the computer room's PCs. Remote admin tool that had some silly options, including disabling certain keys and ejecting the CD tray. Entertained myself disabling the vowels whenever the English teacher I didn't get on with was editing someone's work. Or popping out the CD tray so the propped up text books would fall onto the floor. Or just rebooting the PC whenever the teacher started presenting.
I was called into the head of ITs office after a few weeks along with a few other kids. Message was "There's only a few kids that could and would do this. I don't know which one of you did, but fucking stop it"
My high school teachers were an interesting bunch:
Head of year 9 - locked up for noncing
PE teacher - eloped to the Cayman Islands with a sixth former. We took great delight in interrupting lessons to ask teachers what happened to him
Physics teacher #1 - left after a fairly uneventful year, I was out with friends six months later and saw him on the other side of the road. We shouted hello, to which he mooned us.
History teacher - capable but fantastically lazy. Never marked homework. Taught a fantastic half lesson when Ofsted came round, before returning to his usual approach of handing out photocopies and failing to collect the homework when the inspector left. Was able to bend the laws of time to see the pupils out at 3:15 and be at the pub, a mile away, by 3:16.
Chemistry teacher - caught a wasp in mid air and crushed it in his bare hand. We didn’t mess around with him after that. Sadly had a bad motorbike crash when we were in sixth form. His supply replacement was locked up for noncing.
Physics teacher #2 - had a mullet and was a big fan of prog rock. Took us all to the pub on the last day of sixth form, on running into the headmaster on the drive, cool as anything he declared ‘just taking these lads to the library Mr D’.
Physics teacher #3 - really wanted to be one of the boys. Went skiing with one of my friends for several years after we’d left school.
IT teacher - one of those people that isn’t wired quite correctly but you can’t quite pin it down. Once tripped over in front of me in the playground, dusted himself off like nothing had happened and carried on. I can only presume it happened quite regularly.
The school had a fledgeling website, however knowledge of web security was not strong. I found out if you accessed it from a school computer and used IE’s File>Edit option you could make and save what ever changes you like. We made a few subtle ones that went unnoticed for a few weeks before someone ruined it by changing the headline news story to ‘Head Teacher visits the Cannes Porn Festival’
Best days of my life...