• #477
A woman has died in a crash with a coach in Queenstown Road, Battersea:
Both vehicles caught fire. She was in the rear seat of the car, so perhaps the coach rear-ended the car, or she just couldn't get out when the fire happened, which doesn't bear thinking about.
• #478
And now two pile-ups plus another crash on the M1:
No information given on conditions that may have been part of the causal chain.
• #479
Harrow Times reports the death in HMP Wormwood Scrubs of a very old man.
He was 9 days into a custodial sentence for killing a pedestrian with his car.
'Pedal confusion' is a frequent cause of crashes involving older drivers. -
• #480
A couple of lessons from this incredibly sad story
1 - defrost all your windows before driving off
2 - always pay attention when crossing the road (whilst not stated my interpretation is that the victim was looking in her handbag as she was crossing on a zebra crossing.
Not sure a 10 month sentence is enough.
https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/family-of-doctor-killed-by-driver-in-frostedup-car-launch-campaign-a4327186.html -
• #481
RIP Blackheath Tea Hut
• #482
Update from the owner
1 Attachment
• #483
Horrible news out of Peckham this afternoon
• #484
Awful, I heard the air ambo go over my house. Just seen the report on twitter, its outside Burger King. Seems to happen along that stretch by the library too much.
• #485
A few follow-up articles to the tea hut crash:
He added: "We found her legs but everything was on top of her — a massive tea urn with boiling water, a huge fridge and a hot plate.
Hope she'll be all right.
• #486
Some classic absent driver reporting right there. 7 or 8 paragraphs in you get a reference to the driver being violently sick (poor thing) I assume the police aren't interested or at least there's no reference to it in the article.
• #487
A suspected hit-and-run seemingly without witnesses. So sad:
• #488
Four children on pavement, one with bike, killed by drunk driver in Sydney.
[very strong video with parents of the driver, and the children] -
• #489
This is sad--when I saw the original Standard story, it did seem like a hit-and-run, which is something the police are now investigating. The victim was John Kercher, Meredith Kercher's father. The poor family.
• #491
To be fair, that is a truly appalling attempt at traffic calming. It's certainly not a 'traffic circle' but merely an obstacle plonked into the centre of a priority junction with 90-degree geometry. It's not nearly high or obvious enough, the approaches are not engineered to deal with this kind of feature, and there are many better ways of dealing with a junction like this. Obviously not excusing her excessive speed or potential drunkenness (one of the people interviewed seems to claim she must have been drunk, but there's nothing official), but this is a very, very poor design. And yes, it is fairly miraculous that she didn't suffer terrible injuries there.
• #492
A huge pile-up in Canada. Is this unusual, given that people must surely be very experienced at driving in snowy conditions?
No deaths reported, which seems very lucky, but nearly 70 injured.
• #493
It’s my experience that it’s quite the opposite and they’re all shit at driving in the snow. No precaution seems to be made to slow down and the roads just become skid pans with lots of spin outs and crashes. Something of an over confidence like ‘we’re very experienced driving in snowy conditions’ The section of Highway 401 that passes Toronto, the busiest highway in North America, is a nightmare to travel along in the winter.
• #494
There’s also the program ‘Heavy Rescue 401’ That I’d recommend to you Oliver. Hard hitting documentary series about vehicle recovery on the 400 series of highways in Ontario, Canada. I know it would be right up your street
• #495
Ah, thanks, so perhaps familiarity breeds contempt. Always interesting how people's attitude to risk changes based on what they expect and don't expect.
• #496
A horrendous crash in Romford, two dead, seven injured, eight vehicles involved. Very unusual for London.
The crash site is the junction of a single carriageway and a dual carriageway:
RIP the victims.
• #497
Here's a new one, Thailand I think:
• #498
I'd agree with that. Having driven along those roads a few times in snow everyone is still blasting along at 80mph in their pickups.
• #499
I don't know if the number of pedestrian deaths on motorways lately is unusual, but here's another horrible one, on the M25 this time:
• #500
There haven't been as many reports of crashes during the crisis as before it, but there have been quite a few reports of worrying speeding on emptier streets. No information is given on speeds here, but this sounds like a hit-and-run caused by speeding (not that this type of crash doesn't happen ordinarily, too):
It also doesn't give information on the exact location; the A215 Portland Road is a fairly narrow high street for much of its length (with a few shops converted into flats), and the speeding is worse near the southern end. RIP unknown pedestrian. Hope they find the driver.
This one's 'lucky' (so far) in that there haven't (yet) been any fatalities (but two in critical condition). Eleven serious injuries:
Motorways are generally the roads with the best crash record (with a few exceptional locations down the years), but when something unexpected or rare happens, like foggy conditions, people are usually unprepared, and then these mass pile-ups occur. I haven't heard of one for a while, but there used to be several a year in Germany, mostly with fatalities.
Fingers crossed the worst-affected victims make it.