I think however that there also needs to be a bit more room for people to admit what they said / wrote was, e.g., racist, without everyone immediately seeing them, i.e. their entire personality / character, as racists and completely writing them off. So basically, people need to be able to recognise sometimes that they did something wrong, reflect on that, and try to improve, but others also need to give them some space to do that.
This segment of the latest episode of ‘On the Media’ has a great conversation about cancel culture and touches on what people were writing here about Alastair Stewart.
This is a pretty valid point, and I definitely agree. I think however that there also needs to be a bit more room for people to admit what they said / wrote was, e.g., racist, without everyone immediately seeing them, i.e. their entire personality / character, as racists and completely writing them off. So basically, people need to be able to recognise sometimes that they did something wrong, reflect on that, and try to improve, but others also need to give them some space to do that.
This is of course with respect to people who aren't actually died-in-the-wool through and through racists who have no intention of changing anything and who don't recognise there's anything wrong with it at all - the point is not to give those a free pass.