This week was mostly sexy car rear ends and rear window porn week, I'm hella exciting chat at parties me.
Sexy concave window on this CX Gti
The always amazing SM
Stretchy bubble back window RX7
And my spot of the week and a car I've never seen before. It gets a special mention as nearly every other Bristol I've ever seen looks all sculpted and curvy like Riki Lake from the rear, but the front is usually a car crash and much more Ricki Parfitt. This is the only 4 door Bristol apparently, and is a very cool really dark green not the black it looks like in the pics. Love the little fins on the back and interesting glazing all round in a hotch-potch allotment greenhouse made from car windows kind of way. Cool wheels too, nicest Bristol I've ever seen, a 1955 Bristol 405.
This week was mostly sexy car rear ends and rear window porn week, I'm hella exciting chat at parties me.
Sexy concave window on this CX Gti
The always amazing SM
Stretchy bubble back window RX7
And my spot of the week and a car I've never seen before. It gets a special mention as nearly every other Bristol I've ever seen looks all sculpted and curvy like Riki Lake from the rear, but the front is usually a car crash and much more Ricki Parfitt. This is the only 4 door Bristol apparently, and is a very cool really dark green not the black it looks like in the pics. Love the little fins on the back and interesting glazing all round in a hotch-potch allotment greenhouse made from car windows kind of way. Cool wheels too, nicest Bristol I've ever seen, a 1955 Bristol 405.