So the C16R is too small for doing anything over 30km as the saddle to bar drop is massive + twitchy handling at speed, so it can get some knobbly tyres and go to Epping when it dries up.
I am cycling to a festival in Portugal in August so this gate (23”) of a rockhopper with a 62cm TT will hopefully build into something more suitable. Just have to go and collect it from north wales first.
So the C16R is too small for doing anything over 30km as the saddle to bar drop is massive + twitchy handling at speed, so it can get some knobbly tyres and go to Epping when it dries up.
I am cycling to a festival in Portugal in August so this gate (23”) of a rockhopper with a 62cm TT will hopefully build into something more suitable. Just have to go and collect it from north wales first.