Expensive Churches
There certainly is some trading on their premium image going on but they do use the best quality materials they can and they’re about the best paying employer in town. I was talking to my mate who’s a shop floor senior about him fucking up a pair of crocodile skins and the material cost being about £600. I don’t think their margins are any more extravagant than any other top quality brand.
Yeah, quite. Mad spenny. But then, are they the only English shoemaker owned by a major fashion house? I'm not aware of any others. So, sales model must definitely impacted by the parent company. Just the photography on their website. Clearly trying to turn English shoemaking into a lifestyle thing.
Jesus - a pair of Shannon's in the US is $850! That's more than C&J, Carmina, Tricker's, Alden. Everyone. For a pair of calf derby's. That's a very hard sell. You can grab cordovan from the above manufacturer's for less than that.
The headers of Church's versus C&J says it all really. C&J = shoes. Church's = two models wearing Prada gallivanting down a beach, carrying their shoes...