for me personally is their history
Totally agree. Didn't mean to come off as dismissive of them. There was potential for sure; it's just when investors get involved, things tend to get warped in the Minutiae of finances and self serving tendencies.
It seems like there was more to it than the tax issues by what I'm reading. Garner seems to have taken the whole endeavor for a ride. A lot of pension fund issues too.
Where you at these days anyway? Far and away from the chaos of Holloway Road?
Think I've only seen one in the wild too. Was a Domiracer on the back of a lorry glinting in the summer sun going up the Holloway Road. Presumably being delivered, or more likely recovered. Most memorable bike I've seen.
What sets Norton apart from The Bike Shed creations for me personally is their history. You're probably right though about them not moving with the times but if it is a tax issue seems like accounting 101?