I'm thinking they might have an effect on the clamping load of a stem
Technically, they don't affect the static clamping load, but they do reduce the stiffness of the clamp. Since the longer bolts strain more in absolute terms under a given service stress, the amount the clamp opens up under stress is increased. The generic nature means there's a lot of wasted material for the purposes of range-taking, so they don't end up looking any better than the kind which clamps around the bar. You're also stuck with having the garmin pitched up or down at whatever angle your bolts are at.
is there any reason why generic garmin stem bolt mounts, such as these https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bike-Stem-Extension-Mount-Holder-Bracket-Adapt-For-GARMIN-GPS-GoPro-Cateye-light/202675579365?hash=item2f3067e9e5:g:yE4AAOSwzaVc2r4K are a bad idea? I'm thinking they might have an effect on the clamping load of a stem, but if they don't then I'd buy one