I'm not sure I agree:
It is [relatively] early days, but we are day 29 since identification.The current evidence could suggest that case numbers will increase at a faster rate than deaths- as there appears to be a subset of people with milder symptoms who are positive for nCoV (https://www.imperial.ac.uk/media/imperial-college/medicine/sph/ide/gida-fellowships/Imperial-2019-nCoV-transmissibility.pdf).
It is therefore possible we are over-estimating the mortality rate.
Equally- as pointed out above- there are potentially undiagnosed fatalities.
However, given the timing (winter)- death from other causes with similar symptoms is not uncommon:
(https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/annual-flu-reports) (just to use UK 'flu data)In any case- I'm just reproducing the stats currently available. I aim to update as it goes on- purely from my own interest.
Not sure is really possible to accurately calculate the mortality rate yet.