This just made me realise that I'd completely lost track of what happened to On Your Bike. After they moved out of the London Bridge arches, they moved to a site west of London Bridge, where I never visited them, and I had a vague plan to stop by when they'd be back under London Bridge station, as I think was the plan when the redevelopment started. However, I twice couldn't find them there and then just gave up. I've only just looked up that they're on London Bridge Walk, on the upper level. I doubt that that's such a great site for them, despite the high level of pedestrian traffic. Also, it must likewise be only temporary, as the building is meant to be knocked down:
The architecture there is interesting for the fact that it's a building erected sort of under the auspices of the City (by the Bridge House Trust), and of course it's the City that went for Buchanan Report-style elevated walkways, a project which they fortunately never completed, but applied here. There's no doubt that, quite apart from any doctrinaire convictions about what constitutes a good cityscape, here it obviously provided a convenient access to the station.
I hope On Your Bike find a good home if and when they have to move yet again.
Don't know what the London Bridge branch of On Your Bike are like, but I've always had great service from their Brum branch. They're also premium dealers.