This morning was interesting, induction was <5 minutes of "don't be silly" chat, followed by riding the various lines they'd set out.
It was seriously squishy, newly turned and compacted earth that still clearly had a deal of compacting to do, and heavy with rainfall. This meant that the bike rolled very slowly - I stalled on the first jump as I didn't take enough speed around the corner straight before it to even get the front wheel over.
In it's present state I'd say it's very safe - there's no run in long enough to clear the features without cranking away on the pedals, so you have to mean it. You won't roll into a jump carrying way more speed than you wanted - the run in simply isn't long enough (on the red, the black was shut but I suspect it's similar).
From the perspective of what it's designed for -skills coaching- I think it all makes sense, as you can ride the jumps/push up/ride the jumps/push up. It's not an area that I think you'd choose to ride for fun - it's so much slower than (say) Red 20 onward, and you'll get more air time out in the Forest proper.
I signed up for the silver option, I'll make as much use of that as I can until I'm soaring over the table's and clearing the gaps effortlessly, then I suspect I'll not ride it much thereafter.
This morning was interesting, induction was <5 minutes of "don't be silly" chat, followed by riding the various lines they'd set out.
It was seriously squishy, newly turned and compacted earth that still clearly had a deal of compacting to do, and heavy with rainfall. This meant that the bike rolled very slowly - I stalled on the first jump as I didn't take enough speed around the corner straight before it to even get the front wheel over.
In it's present state I'd say it's very safe - there's no run in long enough to clear the features without cranking away on the pedals, so you have to mean it. You won't roll into a jump carrying way more speed than you wanted - the run in simply isn't long enough (on the red, the black was shut but I suspect it's similar).
From the perspective of what it's designed for -skills coaching- I think it all makes sense, as you can ride the jumps/push up/ride the jumps/push up. It's not an area that I think you'd choose to ride for fun - it's so much slower than (say) Red 20 onward, and you'll get more air time out in the Forest proper.
I signed up for the silver option, I'll make as much use of that as I can until I'm soaring over the table's and clearing the gaps effortlessly, then I suspect I'll not ride it much thereafter.