Stats are indeed terrifying:
The predicted infection rate is 2.6 (each infected person infects 2.6 people)
If you go way below this and say only 10% of the 7.7 billion people in the world are exposed and say only 1% of those exposed die that would still be 7.7 MILLION deaths.
What's the mortality rate so far? Above 5%, right?
According to the numbers on the John Hopkins map, 2.92%. Likely to be far far lower though (as I understand it) as there'll be lots of cases where syptoms have not been bad enough to require medical intervention so are not recorded.
Stats are indeed terrifying:
The predicted infection rate is 2.6 (each infected person infects 2.6 people)
If you go way below this and say only 10% of the 7.7 billion people in the world are exposed and say only 1% of those exposed die that would still be 7.7 MILLION deaths.