• CD Ripping - I did most of my collection years ago when iPods were fairly new, it all went when my computer died. Can’t imagine putting myself through it again. There’s not much from my collection that I can’t find on Spotify or Tidal so I don’t store any music files. Just wonder what the benefits are. Is it the higher res, obscure collections not found on streaming libraries or more that there’s a sense of ownership that you’re accessing music that you’ve actually bought on a physical format?

  • More the latter, I guess.

    The music in my collection is there for a reason. It's personal.

    I find that my mind goes blank when confronted with a streaming service.

    "Oh, it's like, all the music in the world on here, yeah?"

    Then I have no idea what to put on.

  • I’m with you. I’ve started compiling a collection within Tidal, that’s helping, but it’s nothing like running my finger along my CD racks.

    So as I no longer own a computer with a CD drive presumably you can buy a USB one inexpensively. What do these software apps I’ve seen mentioned here do? Do they make it much more efficient than it used to be using iTunes?
    I bought a FLAC download of Radiohead’s OK Not OK the other day to see what it’s about. It sounded great but it took several minutes to download. How long are we looking at to rip say 100 discs these days?
